Everything You Need to Know About AVO Lawyers

Domestic violence is a serious crime, and the government has set up strict actions and laws to protect the victim. A violence order is commonly known as Apprehended Violence Order or AVO. Although the names of an AVO order differ among states, the intent is the same. AVO is one such application that protects the victim from a violent person. With the help of AVO lawyers Sydney can protect anyone facing violence or fear of violence in a family or domestic relationship. They can apply for a temporary or urgent order to stop the violence.
The police might also press severe charges against the person being aggressive. Even if you are not in a relationship, you can apply for an order for your protection. Please keep reading to learn about everything you need to know regarding AVO laws.
Who Can Apply For an AVO? What are the types?
Before you defend or apply for an apprehended violence order, it is essential to understand in which circumstances it applies. If you are a victim of violence and unsure if you need AVO, read to understand everything in detail.
There are usually two categories:
What Does An Apprehended Personal Violence Order Mean?
APVO or Apprehended Personal Violence Order helps to protect the victim from violent people they were not in a domestic setup with. It can include a:
- Co-worker
- Neighbour
- A friend
- A bully from school/college/workplace
- A client or a customer
- Any random person who has been violent
What Do An Apprehended Domestic Violence Order Mean?
ADVO helps protect the victim of violence from someone violent and in a family setup with the person. Such a case requires a connection between the victim and the guilty. It can be someone who:
- Are you married, or were you married, in an intimate or de-facto relationship?
- Lives together or once lived together
- Living in the same home, residential property or detention centre
- Are relatives
- Been in a relationship where one person provides unpaid care to the other.
- A part of extended family.
It is crucial to consult AVO lawyers in Sydney to get accurate information and help.
What is the process of AVO? What happens in case of a breach?
It is essential to understand the depth of danger you are in. If anyone is at immediate risk of facing violence, before waiting to file for an AVO, it is essential to call 000 right away.
You can also call the police and report the violence caused towards you. You will get better guidance on how to proceed, and it will even help you make an application for AVO.
If the violence caused to you might repeat, or you are in immediate harm, you can apply for an interim or urgent AVO to keep you protected until your application is read and heard. At a local court or magistrate’s office, the victim can appeal. The best case is to hire an attorney whom you can trust and who can apply for the AVO on your behalf.
If the person against whom you apply the AVO violates any of the orders, contact the police immediately. Breaching the AVO orders is a criminal offence in every country. As per NSW police, there were 22 244 AVO breaches in 2022. The breach rate was 20% for the final orders and was the highest. Property damage or assault may result in severe consequences. According to NSW police, 40% of calls were of domestic violence. A criminal lawyer in Sydney charges about $ 300 to $ 800 per hour.
Bottom Line
If you are a victim of domestic violence, you can report it to the police or hire a lawyer to file a violence order on your behalf. For example, children under 16 cannot apply for an AVO themselves. The charge can, however, be used by police.